Our Stories


New hope for early Alzheimer's alert, and a chance to change course
Healthy people over 65 with a high level of a certain marker in their blood are 35 times more likely to transition to mild cognitive impairment or Alzheimer’s. Macquarie Medical School's Dr David Lovejoy explains the results of his team’s cutting-edge study.
Town squares or dead malls? The future of Australia's shopping centres
With the return to ‘normal’ shopping patterns following the lifting of COVID restrictions, what does the future hold for Australian shopping centres? Macquarie University retail historian Dr Matthew Bailey explores the question.
Lessons from pandemics past: COVID-19 won't be the last
Our belief that we’ve won the war against infectious disease is badly misplaced. Emeritus Professor Peter Curson says our best approach is to find more effective ways of coping with pandemics.
Stingrays aren't silent - new underwater video leaves marine scientists amazed
Divers’ online videos have triggered a re-think of what we know about stingray communication – and left marine scientists wondering if there’s more undersea sounds we may not know about.
The new pre-kindy: more play for kids, less angst for parents
The NSW Government plans to introduce a pre-kindergarten year and lift the school starting age to six. But Professor Sheila Degotardi from the Macquarie University School of Education says age is just one aspect of school readiness with many other factors at play.
Please explain: How concerned should we be about monkeypox?
The World Health Organisation has declared monkeypox to be a global health emergency. Macquarie University infectious diseases expert, Emeritus Professor Peter Curson, explains what you need to know about the disease.
Please explain: Can you get sick from being cold?
Our mothers have always told us to rug up or we’ll catch cold. But will we, really? Dr Heather Knox from MQ Health GP Clinic busts some winter myths.
How can humans keep their dignity, when handing decisions over to AI?
The thorny problem of integrating AI into human healthcare is in the spotlight thanks to a new survey designed to understand the role of dignity in machine-assisted medical treatment.
Please explain: What we know about irritable bowel syndrome
One in five Australians suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, a painful problem that can be highly disruptive to day-to-day life. MQ Health Gastroenterologist Professor Rupert Leong explains what IBS is and how it can be treated.
Tackling modern slavery in the Australian workplace
With modern slavery branded the fastest growing form of organised crime on the planet, Macquarie Business School academics have been examining how firms can rid this scourge from their supply chains.
Two year study shows living seawalls promote regeneration in Sydney Harbour
Solid evidence is now available to support the value of the Living Seawalls project to marine environments that have been affected by construction.
No hologram doctors any time soon: the future of AI in healthcare
Professor Enrico Coiera predicted 10 years ago that our health system was in risky territory with the soaring digitisation in healthcare. Are those concerns still valid?